Universiteit van Amsterdam
Developmental Psychology

Universiteit Universiteit van Amsterdam Psychology Developmental Psychology

Digital exam bundle Developmental Psychology - English

This exam bundle consists of a comprehensive English summary, supplemented with practice questions and the answers to these. Your exam bundle will be sent to your email address within 24 hours. The price of the bundle includes 9% VAT.

When you book an exam training for this course, you will receive this exam bundle for free as part of your training. NOTE: Please sign up with a Google account to receive the exam bundle.

This is a pre-order. We’re currently working on the exam bundle, once it’s ready you will receive it within 24 hours. We aim to complete this exam bundle at least two weeks before the exam.

  • Totaal13.00

Hardcopy exam bundle Developmental Psychology - English

This exam bundle consists of a comprehensive English summary, supplemented with practice questions and the answers to these. The exam bundles are always printed in black and white, unless stated otherwise. Please note: this order is a hardcopy version.

When you book an exam training for this course, you will receive this exam bundle for free as part of your training. Your exam bundle will be delivered to your home within two working days, after ordering (until 5 p.m.). The price of the bundle includes 9% VAT.

  • Totaal15.00